Monday Nov 14, 2022
Write A Novel With Dabble In 60 Days Week Five Check-in: The Muddy Middle | SCC 56
Welcome to the Story Craft Café Podcast. If you're just joining us for the first time, we kicked off a challenge last month to Write A Novel With Dabble In 60 Days. This challenge encompasses the yearly NaNoWriMo Challenge, while also adding a planning month to the mix. Five writers are going through the process of developing an idea, making a fully formed plot and plan, then executing the writing of a first draft in 60 days.
The middle of the writing is where the rubber meets the road. The planning is all done, the excitement of getting all those ideas out on the screen has now faded into hard work. What do you do when things are not working the way you had hoped, or maybe you've lost your momentum and just need to get back on track. Join us today as we talk through the muddy middle of the writing challenge.
Be sure to join us at to join in the writer community that is flourishing there and find your tribe that will help you stay motivated during this event and beyond.